
Info about Suppliers

The Supplier record holds the details of those organisations that have been marked as a Supplier or potentially involved in the Supply Chain.

It is the parent item for all information relating to the organisation. From here you can add any contacts and sites as well as access the Supplier Approval records and any ingredients they might supply.

As well as an overview of the company’s supplier approval status, fields are available to capture additional information about the company’s background and activities.

Suppliers Tile

The Supplier tile contains a collection of reports that access those organisations classed as a Supplier in their primary relationship field. 

The “All Supply Chain” and “Direct Suppliers” provide access to a quick a breakdown depending on the Suppliers “Supply Role” field.

The report “Supplier’s Ingredients” is useful for an overview of all your ingredients broken down by their suppliers. Use the filters on the field “Ingredient Supplier’s Countries Of Origin” to obtain a list of suppliers that source ingredients from a specific country.


The site record is simple and straightforward. It holds the address and contact information for the site.

It is important to describe the site accurately, especially if a company has multiple sites as the task of supplier approval is done on a site by site basis. i.e. Each Supplier Approval record is associated to a specific site


Capture contact details about people who work at the company.

It is important to use the Job Roles tag field to describe the person. The system has the ability to automatically contact people tagged as Technical Contact when chasing for docs, specifications etc (link to How do I set up email chasers and reminders help file).

It is also important to mark the appropriate emergency contact(s). During a product recall, contacting the right people without delay is essential. Within an Incident Management Plan there should be specific, accurate and up-to-date contact lists

Supplier Approval

More information about Supplier Approval can be found here

Ingredients Supplied

More information about Ingredients Supplied can be found here

Org Documents

There are often generic documents that you would like stored against a company. These can vary from logos to brochures to company profiles. Be careful not to store documents associated to your Supplier Approval process in this location as there is are dedicated facilities within the Supplier Approval functionality. 

For more information about Supplier Approval documents click here.

Last modified October 11, 2023: Rename to (b0567f5)