Calendar Synchronisation

Connecting a calendar

As a user, connecting your agileBase calendar to your personal or business calendar couldn’t be simpler. We support many common apps such as Google Calendar, Office 365 and Apple’s.

Two-way sync is supported, so you can create events in an external calendar and they will import into agileBase, or vice versa.

Exactly how that happens and where the data goes is up to how an administrator configures the system - for that, see below.

To connect your calendars, click your user icon at the top right of the screen and select ’edit profile’. Then just click the ‘connect calendar’ link.

connecting calendar

You’ll see a screen asking you which service to connect to - please choose the one you use and you’ll be asked by that service whether it’s ok for agileBase to connect.

Connecting calendar 2

If your company hasn’t used calendars before or if you’re expanding your users, it’s possible your organisation may need to purchase a calendar license. There’s a small monthly charge for this, to cover third party service costs, please do get in touch if you’d like to set it up.

Administrator configuration

As an administrator, you can choose whether to sync incoming or outgoing events, or both. You can also set up where new events go, for example you might have a meetings table in agileBase that you want new calendar entries to be imported into, or different external calendars might want to go to different places.

Last modified October 11, 2023: Rename to (3b426a1)