Number fields

Number Fields

  • Separate thousands and use totals
    Typically used for currency. Note if using for currency, another good idea is to add a £ sign onto the end of the field name. The system will then prefix all values in views with the pound sign. When this option is ticked, the system will add commas when displaying values, e.g. show 123,456 instead of 123456. Totals will be shown when the field is used in a tab view, e.g. a list of order lines under a customer order.

  • Colour outliers
    When shown in views, unusual values will be highlighted green (higher than usual) or red (lower than usual). The determination of this is based on statistics, the number of standard deviations away from the mean that the value is

  • Precision (decimal places)
    On field creation, if zero decimal places are specified, the number becomes a whole number, otherwise it is a decimal number. Once it’s one or the other, the field type can’t be changed. Rather, there’s a manual process to change a whole number to a decimal or vice versa, see this Google doc