Text Fields

Text Fields

  • Use as record title
    The text in this field will appear in the title of the record. If more than one text field as this option ticked, later fields will show up as a subtitle.
    This option is honoured even if fields appear in cross-references or relations, i.e. if they’re referenced in another place.

    If both ‘use as record title’ and ‘prominent’ are ticked, the system will enable a feature for showing potential duplicates, to help prevent the same record being entered twice. For example, in a table of companies, if both these options are on for the company name field, the system will inform users when a company name is typed in which is similar to one that already exists.

  • Use dropdown or Use tags
    These options are mutually exclusive - only one can be selected for a field. For ‘use dropdown’, the field will appear as a dropdown list of values the user can choose from (as opposed to letting them type anything). For ‘use tags’ the same set of values will be shown but the user can select more than one at a time. There are a couple of other options that go along with these:

    • Values
      For a dropdown or tags field, which values will be shown. Enter a comma separated list of values. If it’s a long list, it’s often easiest to edit these in an external text editor then paste them in. The first value in the list will be the default i.e. when a new record is created, the field will be set to this value. If you want the value to remain empty, please start the list with a comma

    • Use only given values
      If this is ticked, people will be able to choose only from the items you’ve specified in ‘values’. If it’s not ticked, another option will appear at the end of the list ‘add entry’. They’ll then be able to add any value they want. As long as at least one record exists with that value, it will then be shown to all users as an option in the dropdown.

    • Fill with
      As an alternative to specifying your own values, the system can generate a list. The most commonly used option here is ‘users’, which means the system will generate a list of system users (names followed by usernames). This can be useful e.g. when assigning a member of staff to a record like a sales opportunity. Only users who have privileges to see the table in question will be included.

  • Auto tags
    This option isn’t currently used but may in future be used to extract categories from records or attached documents

  • Person’s name
    This option isn’t currently used

  • Colour words
    Words will be coloured red, green, orange or blue in views. Words like pass or fail will be coloured green and red respectively for example. Note calculations can also be coloured. To see the full list of words, see the calculation colouring help. To add new words, please contact us.

  • Size
    Use ‘short’ to show a normal field input, ’large’ to show a multi-line text input. There’s no hard limit to the number of characters that can be entered, this option is for display purposes only.

  • Text case
    The system will automatically convert whatever someone types into the field into the case you specify, i.e. UPPERCASE, lowercase or Title Case.

Last modified October 11, 2023: Rename text-fields.md to text-fields.md (193240c)